maandag 21 mei 2012

Last update from Birmingham


As you all know, this is my last update from Birmingham. I'm going home next Sunday, and no, I'm not looking forward to this.

So what was my week like?

I didn't really do that much to be honest. I still had one essay to finish about Rome, so I've been working on that. I mostly spend time with my boyfriend since I won't be seeing him for a while over the next couple of weeks. I'm enjoying every second I spend with him. We watched some films and South Park episodes, had some good laughs and talked a lot.

Most of the people that are still living in Halls were on a trip so I didn't spend time with them.
On Wednesday evening Joe and I wanted to go to the cinema because it's 2 for the price of 1. We didn't go in the end because we couldn't get hold of the tickets. We're planning on going next Wednesday though!

Yesterday evening we went to the pub across the road. I've been here for 4 months now and I hadn't been there before. We wanted to play pool but apparently they don't have a pool table anymore. We played some darts instead. After that we went to our bar and played a game of pool there. I won! 8-6 for Joe2 now.

That is about all I can tell you.

Just going to enjoy the rest of my time here and I'll see you soon.


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