dinsdag 29 mei 2012

Back in Belgium


I'm 2 days late with my last post because I've been very busy. On Sunday I travelled back to Belgium but I'll tell you more about that later on.

What did my last week look like?

Well, on Monday evening Joe and I went to a little hall's party. We said we wouldn't stay that long, but we ended up staying until the others left to the city centre. I didn't really know that many people because they were all English but I had a good time anyway.

On Tuesday I spent a lot of time in the park. The sun was shining so I just laid there and listened to some music. In the evening Joe and I watched some South Park episodes!

On Wednesday I had an appointment at the career centre to talk about the master I want to do in England. The lady was very helpful and said she believes that I can actually stay in and study here. Oh and I also handed in my final essay! The end of my Newman career. In the evening Joe and I went to the cinema. Before we got there we had to run (like idiots) for the bus! Seriously, I was SO tired after that, I couldn't even breathe properly! Luckily the film (Dark Shadows - Johnny Depp) was definitely worth it ! When we got back to Newman, we went to the bar to say goodbye to the Dutch guys.

On Thursday Joe had his exam and I did a lot of my packing. In the evening we went outside to watch the stars in a nearby field.

On Friday I met Ben to sign my T-shirt. He said he was going to the pub across the street and asked me if I wanted to join him and his friend Ian. I had nothing else to do so I agreed. Later on that day we went to the city centre and I went shopping in Birmingham (for the very last time..) I bought a lot of things : cookies, a dress, shoes, a purse, a book, ... Ben bought a cap. LOL.
In the evening Joe and I went to the city centre to have dinner together. We dined at Café Rouge.
When we got back to Newman we had some fun taking pictures of things we have memories on.

Saturday was the last full day I could spend with Joe. We visited Hamzah, Nuria and Ilaria to say our goodbyes and went to the park. The rest of the day we just enjoyed each other's company.

Sunday was the day I was travelling back to Belgium. Seeing my luggage I wasn't sure how I was going to pull it off, but I did it. Joe and I said goodbye at the bus stop but I was able to keep my emotions under control (until the bus left, lol..) I then travelled from Birmingham to London, and then eventually London - Brussels. I arrived home around 10pm and was pretty knackered since I hadn't had much sleep the day before and the journey was pretty long.

Yesterday I drove my car, saw a part of the family and I had FRIES ! Today I went to the hairdresser's, the dentist and I got my Belgian phone fixed. At the moment I'm on my way to visit another part of the family. I'm keeping myself as busy as I possibly can.

So right. My (first) Birmingham adventure has come to an end. It was amazing! 
Joe's coming over in 34 days. I've already started counting down the days.  I miss you so much baby!
On Friday I start working at the ice-cream shop.

Since this is my final entry : Goodbye.
I hope you enjoyed reading my stories as much as I did taking part in them.

- Valerie

Photos !

Dinner with Joe

Enjoying the sun in the park

Going back home = NOT good..

A good thing about being home : Dim..

Amedee attacking me! =D

I love you and I'm missing you lots !

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